The Plan: 9 Weeks
Phase 1 (March)
Part A: February 27 – March 12 (Week 1-2)
- Outreach and Publicity: Consult with Digital Fellows and others before creating a social media plan.
- Assign: Connie & Kai
- Deadline(s): March 5
- Create Data Management Plan
- Assign: Kai
- Deadline(s): March 3
Part B: March 13 – March 26 (Week 3-4)
- Design: Create a visual brand and logo for social media pages
- Assign: Connie
- Deadline(s): March 16 (Zoom Presentation)
- Create Information Architecture for Website Draft
- Assig: Kai
- Deadline(s): March 17th
Phase 2 (April)
Part C: March 27 – April 9 (Week 5-6)
- Decide which materials (photos, articles, books) needed for project and how it will be organized
- Assign: Both
- Deadline(s): 03/30
- Zine/Documentation revision (1)
- Assign: Connie
- Deadline(s): April 6th
Part D: April 10 – April 23 (Week 7-8)
- Zine/Documentation revisions (2)
- Assign: Connie
- Deadline(s): April 13th
- Zine/Documentation Printed
- Assign: Connie
- Deadline(s): April 20th
Part E: April 24th – May 4th (Week 9)
- Publish Website
- Assign: Kai & CC
- Deadline(s): April 27th
- Continue to revise until May 4th, the due date.