For the next week we plan to remove the non-rendering images, purchase domain name and direct GH pages to it, rename the collection, and work on the layouts.
The day before the presentation, I attended an ‘Intro to GitHub’ webinar to get a better understanding of how GitHub operates in terms of cloning, forking, branching, and pushing, and committing. I have only have experience creating a website by myself; but being able to work with another person collaboratively on the same project is a little bit more complicated in terms ‘Pulling’ and ‘Pushing’, sending pull requests, and getting code to work. I’ve starting looking at websites codes to get a better understanding of what I am reading and how they are structured in terms of sizing, margin, accent, position, align. etc. I also had to determine how to work in the terminal by either using bash or zsh.
For Spring Break we have communicated to each other that we will still continue to work on projects and are still open to forms of communication despite. Taking a break from work I plan to use this time to determine what our final product should look like.